Kung Fu Goal Setting for the New Year!

Publié le 9 April 2013 par WingChunNDG

I sincerely wish you a very happy, healthy, and successful New Year in 2013!

Hope you had a good time during the Holidays, that you enjoyed much needed rest, quality time with your loved ones, and that you are now relaxed and determined to move forward in the right direction.

So here is my free gift to you for this New Year, if you’re open to it: a bit of advice on kung fu goal setting for the year to come.

Resolutions vs Goals

This time of year you hear a lot about resolutions. This is the day I start… (fill in the blank).

Usually you hear a lot of the same stuff come back: get in shape, eat healthier, go to bed and get up earlier, study more, work more efficiently, make more money, spend more quality time with the family.

But what kind of power does a resolution like that hold?
Will you think about it every day?
Will you even write it down?
Or will you forget about it three weeks into January like most people do?

What I would suggest is that rather to take a resolution, you take advantage of this New Year to revise and restate your GOALS.

Reason is that a GOAL is much more powerful than a resolution. A resolution is something you impose upon yourself, which is most often not backed by true motivation and DESIRE.

A GOAL on the other hand, is something you keep right in front of you, you write it on the wall, you think about it when you go to sleep, and you think about it when you rise in the morning. And like Earl Nightingale said in one of the first self-help recordings of all time, The Strangest Secret : “You get what you think about most of the time.”

So what will you think about this year?

I suggest you take the time today to revise your own personal goals for 2013, start by going over your goals for the past year, assessing your situation, and plan your short and long term goals. Your goals should be divided in categories:

  1. Personal development goals
  2. Health and fitness goals
  3. Professional goals
  4. Financial goals
  5. Relationship goals

And you should also have an all-encompassing CHIEF AIM, or a goal that you are constantly striving towards and thinking about; your life mission if you will. If you don’t have one, no problem, your goal could be to get one!

It would be appropriate to share at this point our mission statement for our organisation, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce of Montreal branch of the Shaolin Wing Chun Nam Anh Kung Fu School. It’s a first draft, open to suggestions, but here it is :

  1. To help as many people as possible in the community reach all their health, fitness, self-defense and self-development goals.
  2. To grow a solid organisation to maximise our positive impact and provide excellent professional development opportunities for dedicated martial artists, while ensuring quality, personalized instruction, support, motivation and efficient progression for each and every student.
  3. To be a worldwide reference in the field of martial arts.

Does this resonate with you? If so, please let me know. Have any suggestions? I want to know as well.

There is a lot more to this science of goal setting, motivation and making your desires come true, so this is only the beginning. I encourage you to get educated about the subject, as it has become somewhat of a passion for me.

So if you are a student of our Notre-Dame-de-Grâce of Montreal Wing Chun Kung Fu School, and that your goals are still to improve physically and mentally, I will see you in class very soon.

If you are not yet a student, I would be very happy to have you join us in the New Year. All you have to do is call or text me: 514-638-0101, or fill in the form and we will schedule your first visit and free consultation during a kung fu class in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.

Looking forward to working towards your goals in 2013!

Have an excellent day, and practice well!


Nam Kien

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